Undead Girl Murder Farce – Volume 1 Chapter 1

Stop! Before proceeding to read the chapter, there’s something we have to talk out.

1st Volume of Undead Girl Murder Farce has 2 chapters. As you can imagine, those two chapters make up the entirety of the book and are therefore veeeery long (about 100 pages each). In order to not discourage myself from translating, I will be splitting those two chapters into separate parts. Luckily, the original book already did most of the work for me and divided the chapters into sections. That’s exactly what I’m going to be doing. Each section is about 15 pages long on average and I find that to be an adequate size to translate in one go.

As for how I’m going to updating those parts, I will adding them separately on novelupdates (so you’ll see v1c1p1, v1c1p2, etc as chapter numbers) but I will be uploading them all in one post so every part will lead to chapter 1 and each new section will b numbered so you’ll know where to continue reading. I’m doing this to make sure that at the end people will have full chapter to read in one post, instead of reading a chopped up chapter though several posts.

You can either read along as I update each part or wait until I’ve uploaded the whole chapter to read. It’s entirely up to you.

Now that we have the technical part out of the way, here’s the 1st part of chapter 1.

As usual, don’t hesitate to point out any inconsistencies or bad grammar.

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